Burial Rites in Translation Giveaways

One of the most exciting things to have happened to me since Burial Rites was released last year, is the publication of its various translations. So far, twenty different translations have been published, with another eight forthcoming for 2015. I've popped a full list of countries and publishers down below for those interested.

In order to celebrate the indescibable thrill of having my own book sent to me in languages I cannot even begin to fathom, and to thank my readers for your incredible support over the last two years, I'm giving away a limited amount of signed copies of Burial Rites in Dutch, German, Hebrew, Turkish, Danish, Spanish, Chinese Complex, Portuguese, French and - of course - Icelandic.

I also have several signed copies of Burial Rites in English, both in paperback and hardback to give away, and a few audiobooks too.

To enter, simply email me here with your name and address (or your friend's name and address if you would like to send one as a gift) before 10pm Sunday 26 October, Melbourne Australia time (GMT+11), and let me know what kind of copy you would like. 

To allow for different time zones, winners will be chosen at random after this date.

Good luck! In the meantime, have you seen the different cover artwork from each country?

Some of the copies to giveaway.

Some of the copies to giveaway.


Burial Rites is currently available/will be available in:

Bulgarian                    Forthcoming

Chinese Complex     China Times Publishing Company

Croatian                     Znanje

Czech                         Fortuna

Danish                        Forlaget Hetland

Dutch                          De Bezige Bej / Cargo

French                        Presses de la Cite

German                      Droemer Knaur

Greek                         Ikaros Publishing Company

Hebrew                      The Armchair Publishing House

Hungarian                  Forthcoming

Icelandic                    Forlagið

Indonesian                 Forthcoming

Italian                         Edizioni Piemme

Japanese                   Shueisha Publishing Co.

Korean                       Elixir

Lithuanian                 Forthcoming

Norwegian                Schibsted

Polish                        Proszynski I S-Ka

Portuguese               Editora Globo (Brazil), Saida de Emergencia (Portugal)

Russian                     A-Team

Serbian                      Laguna

Slovak                       Fortuna

Spanish                     Alba Editorial

Swedish                    Damm Förlag

Thai                           Forthcoming

Turkish                      Yapi Kredi Yayinlari

